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Membership renewal for 2024/2025 is now Open

Membership renewal for 2024/2025 is now Open

Railway Club Captains23 Jun - 18:00
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We are keeping the main Adult subscription rates unchanged for 2024/2025.

The General Committee and Adult Club Captains have met and decided to maintain the main subscription rates for Adult members at the same rates as applied last season. Notifications for payment of the 2024/2025 subscriptions will issue shortly and we would ask all adult members to promptly pay their subscriptions to assist the club with managing its cashflow. Full details of the subscription rates are included in the attached document and, for full Adult members, there is also the option to pay in instalments.

As we look forwards to the 2024/205 season and seek to build on the success of last season, we want to continue to expand our membership and playing base. Members are reminded that there is the "Introduce a New Member" discount available to them, should they assist with recruiting a new adult member to the club. We have developed the attached Come Join Railway Leaflet which members can use in any new member discussions.

The main subscriptions for our adult members remain competitive compared to other clubs, based on the benchmarking review completed in 2022, and provide good value to members.

The "Pay per Play" subscription option for members who can only play occasionally has been a positive addition and helps support growing our membership and keeping individuals playing hockey at the club. The Pay per Play rate for 2024/2025 will be a core payment of €150 plus €10 per game thereafter.

As part of our ambitions to grow our playing membership, we will of course be flexible in circumstances where it is appropriate to do so. Should you require some flexibility around the subscription options or have any questions please contact our Treasurer, Elisa, at RUHC Treasurer

Separate to the Railway Union Hockey Club subscription, members are reminded that they must also be members of Hockey Ireland in order to play hockey. Hockey Ireland will soon be opening their renewal facility at

There is no longer a requirement for members to also pay a subscription to the overarching Railway Union Sports Club and this affiliation fee is now paid by the hockey club to the Sports Club on behalf of our members.

Work is underway to put the necessary arrangements in place for next season - training, coaching and team management - and we will be back in touch during July to let you know about pre season training and practice matches.

On behalf of the General Committee and your
2023/2024 Club Captains, Ciara Houlihan, Fergus Flynn


Senior Subscriptions 2024


New Member Leaflet

Further reading